D-Wade vs Bruce Bowen

     Don’t worry, I’m not about to say that Bowen and Wade are comparable in terms of their basketball talent. I realize Wade is game changer in the NBA while Bowen is a role player who used to be a good defender. So what do the...

Carmelo vs Lebron

Carmelo Anthony thinks he is one of the NBA elite. He often talks about himself and LeBron James as if they are equals in terms of talent. I often also hear the media talk about Carmelo as if he is trully one of the NBA elite. Here is what I see: I give him one big...

The Spurs with Manu

     I make this argument everyday and I get blasted everyday for it: Emanuel Ginobili is one of the top 5 players in the NBA. People start off with a laugh and then after realizing I am serious, they start rattling off people they feel are...

The difference between Garnett and Marbury

So you want to know the difference between Kevin Garnett and Stephon Marbury? Short Answer: Nothing, they are the same person. Long Answer: Not much and and I’ll tell you why. For one, I, for the life of me, cannot understand why the NBA has chosen Garnett as...

Michael Vick on an early work release program

Feb 24, 2009 Bonaire, Netherlands By Unknown Reporter      Tourists on a small Caribbean island close to Aruba and even closer to Curacao, named Bonaire have reported that they may have come across Michael Vick of the Atlanta Falcons....