Top 10 Best NBA players

Top 10 players 01. Lebron James 02. Giannis 03. Jason Taytum 04. Steph Curry 05. Jokic 06. Anthony Edwards 07. Luka Donic 08. Kahwi Leonard 09. Ja Morant 10. Trae Young

Upper Penninsula of Michigan Trip

We Toured Upper Penninsula of Michigan again and the following are the places visited: Date: June 20, 2011 1. Castle Rock 2. Indian Village (tourist trap) 3. Mystery Spot 4. Totem Village (did not go) 5. deer ranch 6. Saint Ignace and Mackinac Island Air Tour 7....

Things to Do in Wisconsin

I this post we will talk about the top Things to Do in Wisconsin. 1.ALLIED PARKING WTC DAI World Trade Center Parking Ramp is the most visited placed in Winscon. 2.MN CHILDREN’S MUSEUM The Minnesota Children’s Museum is a non-profit community organization...

Federer and the Coronavirus

I preface this whole entry by saying I am not making light of this pandemic. I know people who have died from coronavirus and and I know people who aren’t sure how they are going to pay for food. But with anything, you have to try to find some positives in a...

Response to a craigslist ad

I posted an ad asking for someone to rake my leaves. Apparently this guy responded once and I didn’t respond so here is what I got later. Ur the one who posted the ad on Craigslist and you can’t get back 2 anybody. OK get it its ur world and we’re...

Confronting Excuses

Excuses can slow self-image growth and lead to frustration. Excuses are often the result of an unmotivated performer with uncertain goals. If we try we can all come up with an excuse or two for no reaching our goals – we don’t feel well, we have a...

Boycott the Falcons

I’m weak so there is a 90% chance I won’t follow through with this but… We need to boycott the Falcons. Along with all the ridiculous moves of keeping inept coaches, we also decided to keep Dirk Koetter. He has many years of experience and has...

UGA, Falcons Mixed Bag December 2019

Mixed emotions these past couple weeks with our teams: First off the falcons. I want to boycott them but I am extremely weak-willed. I argued with brother after we were 1-7 that we needed to fire Dan Quinn then in case something good happened to create false hope. I...

Impeachment thoughts Nov 2019

I have found the impeachment hearings to be fascinating similar to the hanging chad election controversy between Bush and Gore many years ago. I cannot get enough. I have some thoughts and concerns: 1. I wish Fiona Hill would run for president. I would vote for her....

Florida Here we come again

We visited florida again and following are the list of activities we did on the tour: 1. Key West Butterfly 2. Zoo Miama 3. Turtle Hospital 4. Miami Seaquariam 5. Coral Castle Museum 6. Childrens Museum of Indianapolis 7. Snorkel the Reef 8. Frost Science Museum 9....